ChurchFamilyIntroversionLeadershipLonelinessOhio StateRepublic Empty Spaces I wrote this a year ago (March-April 2019), but something kept me from publishing it.…NatalieMarch 29, 2020
52 Weeks of Meaningful ConnectionsFamilyIntroversionNetworking Week 12: Networking for Introverts and Extroverts: The Difference is Real I typed this while sitting on the couch with my 5-year old daughter, who I…NatalieJanuary 14, 2018
52 Weeks of Meaningful ConnectionsIntroversionNetworking Week 10: Networking While Introverted: 5 tips to make it work for you For this week’s article, I called in an expert on introverts. Katie Rasoul is a…NatalieDecember 31, 2017