LeadershipMusicalOhioOhio StateStanford Second Place Stories: When 2nd place wasn’t the first loser The adage goes “Second place is the first loser.” I have two stories to indicate…NatalieMarch 28, 2017
4-HBarnChurchCoachingCollegeCommunityConvenienceCorporate AmericaCreativityDisciplineDiversityEducationEmployee EngagementEmploymentFaithFamilyFarmFirst Generation StudentsFirst generation studentsFitnessGenerosityGratitudeImpostor syndromeJudgementLeadershipLinkedInMusicalNetworkingOhioOhio StatePodcastPublic speakingRecognitionRepublicRespectStanfordState FairTeamTime managementTravelTrust What I’ve learned from (nearly) a year of blogging It's been nearly a year since I called Go Daddy and purchased the domain for…NatalieDecember 28, 2016
CommunityEducationFaithFamilyLeadershipMusicalOhioRepublic Passing the School Levy When you go to your polling place next week, there may be an issue on…NatalieNovember 3, 2016
4-HBarnChurchCollegeCorporate AmericaDiversityEmployee EngagementFamilyFarmImpostor syndromeLeadershipMusicalNetworkingOhioPublic speakingRecognitionRepublicRespectState FairUncategorized 7783 Words Later: A Small Town Leadership Re-cap Two months, Eleven posts, and 7783 words later - I’m taking the week off from…NatalieMay 30, 2016
JudgementLeadershipMusicalRespect Ripping down the poster: A lesson on respect In an earlier blog, I wrote about performing in the production of Fiddler on the…NatalieMay 1, 2016
LeadershipMusicalOhioRecognitionRepublic You don’t always get a round of applause When I was a senior in high school, I played Hodel in Fiddler on the…NatalieApril 4, 2016