ChurchFamilyIntroversionLeadershipLonelinessOhio StateRepublic Empty Spaces I wrote this a year ago (March-April 2019), but something kept me from publishing it.…NatalieMarch 29, 2020
CoachingCommunityFaithFamilyFitnessGenerosityGratitudeLeadershipNetworkingRepublic Our world feels like a small town right now When I launched Small Town Leadership in 2016, I didn’t expect to celebrate the 4th…NatalieMarch 19, 2020
ChurchCoachingCommunityCorporate AmericaEmployee EngagementEmploymentFamilyFriendshipGenerosityLeadershipLoveOhioParentingRepublicTeamWomenWork Ethic Top 10 things I learned from my mom during her career This is an expansion on the two minute video I posted to honor my mom,…NatalieJune 30, 2019
52 Weeks of Meaningful ConnectionsCoachingCommunityCorporate AmericaFriendshipLonelinessLoveRepublic Week 52: So Damn Lonely For the final week in the series, I ask you to roll the film. It's…NatalieMarch 11, 2019
CoachingCollegeCommunityCorporate AmericaEmploymentFaithFamilyLeadershipRepublicWork Ethic The Day After Christmas: 5 Unexpected Leadership Lessons The day after Christmas might mean lazing around in your pajamas, hitting the day after…NatalieDecember 26, 2018
52 Weeks of Meaningful ConnectionsChurchFaithNetworkingRepublic Week 42: When in doubt, call on Grace No, Grace isn’t the person I’m interviewing for this week’s post. I’m talking about the…NatalieAugust 12, 2018
52 Weeks of Meaningful ConnectionsCommunityRepublic Week 24: Roll out the Welcome Wagon One of the endearing things about growing up in rural Ohio was the excitement that…NatalieApril 8, 2018
52 Weeks of Meaningful ConnectionsCommunityNetworkingRepublic Week 23: Picking up cues to make a connection: The toy tractor story How observant are you? That’s what I’d like you to think about this week. Here…NatalieApril 1, 2018
4-HCommunityLeadershipRepublicState FairUncategorized Little town, big pride: Signs from a small town My mom posted the photo above to my Facebook wall last week on occasion of…NatalieAugust 3, 2017
Corporate AmericaGratitudeLeadershipRepublicTravel Small Town Luxury: Reflecting from the Ritz I started writing this from my room in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Key Biscayne, Florida…NatalieJuly 14, 2017