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Imagine this. You are the valedictorian of your high school class. You graduate at the top of your class in college. You land a great job. You get accepted to graduate school. You get a job at a Fortune 100 company. You have two beautiful babies. Your husband is working his way up the ladder, too.

When you go to bed at night, you aren’t sure if you accomplished anything meaningful that day. Life is a blur of midnight feedings, all-day meetings, and scrambling to put food on the table at night.

Somewhere along the path, you lost who you were in the process.

I know what this feels like because this is MY story.  It’s why I hired a coach. It’s why I became a coach.

My coaching is for the high school valedictorian and honor roll student who had the world at her fingertips. Now she is wondering where that curious, ambitious and optimistic person went. She wants to feel like the big fish in a small pond again. She believed in the motivational posters hanging around her room. Now she is stuck. She wants to spark her ambition.

If you feel like you are drifting along in this big world, going through the motions, coloring inside the lines, and feeling stuck, reach out to me.

You want permission to follow your passion. You want to be OK embracing ambition.

I can help you define what that means for YOU.

You’ve been so focused on accomplishing goals and caring for others that you’ve lost track of your own dreams and important relationships. You’re ready to be back in the valedictorian position in your adult life.

You know there is something more for you – personally and professionally – but the world seems too big and overwhelming to know where to start.

I know what it feels like to have big dreams but to play small.

Let’s work together to get back your roots so you can remind yourself of all of the possibilities that are still waiting for you.

What People Are Saying

“Natalie was instrumental in both my professional career and personal development. Her unique coaching was tailored directly to my needs and her candid dialogue and active listening was incomparable.  Natalie has a natural coaching talent and I can’t thank her enough for the work she has done to help get me to the next level in my career!”

“I recommend Natalie’s Living Room Life Coaching Program to anyone starting out in their career, starting a new venture, or that just seems to lack a sense of purpose or direction, either personally or professionally. The intimate group setting was relaxing and encouraged discussion on topics that normally are uncomfortable in social settings. Give it a try. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the experience!”

Individual Coaching

I work with individuals to help them strengthen their connections and network. We examine their existing networks, who their dream connections are, and build an action plan to build more meaningful relationships in their personal and professional life.

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Living Room Life Coaching

Invite 5-10 friends or neighbors for a night of goal setting, dream planning, and deep conversation. You won’t leave with a new outfit or kitchen gadgets, but you will leave with a clearer idea of what might be stopping you from reaching your true potential.

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