This week’s challenge might be the most important one I issue during this entire 52 Week experience.
It’s simple: who will you thank today?
A couple of years ago, I experienced an overwhelming moment of gratitude and it has shaped how I think about networking and reconnecting. Let me bring you to that moment.
It was a cold December day and I was pulling into my parking space at work. In that moment, I had a flash that said “this moment wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for Felix.” Felix was a college advisor turned mentor who took an interest in my future while I was an undergraduate. After I graduated, he was the person who asked me if I’d ever considered getting my Masters in Business Administration. I had never thought about it before. It didn’t seem possible. People like me, from small towns who were the first generation in their family to graduate from college, didn’t get their MBA. Felix saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. I followed Felix’s suggestion and ended up enrolling in, and graduating at the top of my businesses school class.
Fast forward to that moment in the parking garage. I was pulling into the garage of the Fortune 100 company where I worked. I was getting ready to head into a day of leadership meetings where I was a decision maker. This scenario didn’t seem possible to me when I was growing up. Without my MBA, I wouldn’t be in the leadership position. And without Felix, I might not have gotten the MBA. All I wanted to do in that moment was to say “thank you”.
It took me a few months to get around to writing the note. I wanted Felix to know how much of a difference he made in my life. I finally sent it and received a thoughtful reply. My only regret is that I didn’t send the note the day I had that flash of gratitude.
How simple does this seem? How great would it be to remind someone who has made a difference to you of your gratitude?
Take this week’s challenge. Thank someone for how they have made a difference in your life. It might be a thank you for a small gesture of kindness or a life-changing act of courage.
Imagine what the world would be like if we all took a few minutes to say “thank you”?
Once you’ve completed the challenge, let me know how you feel. Comment below with your stories or share them on Facebook or Twitter!
52 Weeks of Meaningful Connections is offered by Small Town Leadership. If you would like to see how much progress you can make toward making our big world feel like a smaller place, SIGN UP to receive these articles on a weekly basis.